Busy retail unit let to hairdressers/training academy at £40,000 p.a. rising next year to £45,000. p.a.

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Busy retail unit let to hairdressers/training academy at £40,000 p.a. rising next year to £45,000. p.a.


The property was constructed during the 1960’s and forms part of a three storey purpose built retail block.

No 44 The Horsefair has recently benefited from a comprehensive refurbishment by the tenant and comprises a premium hair dressing salon and training academy trading as The Hair and Beauty Bank. This property is an expansion for the tenant who has successfully traded nearby on The Horsefair for some 6 years.

The property is held on a long lease from Bristol City Council for 125 years from 2nd August 2016 at a head rent equating to 10% of rents received.
Note, the head lease permits the upper parts to be used as offices and/or residential, subject to the usual planning consents.

The property is let to HBB Training Academy Limited (Co. No. 10552141) t/a The Hair and Beauty Bank on a Full Repairing and Insuring lease for a term of 5 years from 23rd February 2017 expiring on 22nd February 2022 at a rent of £40,000 per annum rising to £45,000 on 22 February 2021.

Ground Floor : 853 sq ft / 79.24 sq m
Zone A  :  329 sq ft / 30.56 sq m
Zone B : 415 sq ft / 38.55 sq m
Zone C : 109 sq ft / 10.13 sq m
Mezzanine : 240 sq ft / 22.30 sq m
First Floor : 828 sq ft / 76.92 sq m
Second Floor : 474 sq ft / 44.03 sq m
TOTAL : 2,395 sq ft / 222.50 sq m

The property is situated in a prominent position on The Horsefair in between Starbucks and Burger King close to the junction of Merchant Street which leads directly onto Broadmead. The units are within close proximity to major retailers including Debenhams, Marks & Spencer and Primark. In addition, TK Maxx and Metro Bank are both around the corner.

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